3.8.0 Miner’s Guide

I recently received a tip for mining so I thought I’d put it into a brief guide.

Mining in the Hidden Asteroid field

There is an unmarked asteroid field between the orbits of Crusader and Delamar.

To find it, Plot a course from HUR-L3 and to ARC-L3. Cut the jump at 9.8 million kilometers, by holding B to disengage quantum.

Borase seems to be the highest value mineral available in the field, find rocks that contain it and break them down, selecting the highest percentages.

Multi-crew Mole Mining

With a crew of 3 to 5 players and 2 or more moles you can rotate out the moles to always keep one on location. Head to the location with two moles. Use both ships to increase your scanning range. After finding a high value rock, have your crew jump on one of the moles to mine it. When the mole is full, send one crew member back to sell at the refiner. The rest of the crew hops on the second mole and keeps mining. By the time the runner gets back it may already be full, in that case, swap drivers again, sending the ship owner back to sell the goods.

Other tips:
Always break down rocks to the smallest, most condensed rocks and collect rocks that contain 90% product.
Upgrade your lasers for maximum efficiency. 
Always invite friends to mine you, but solo is fun too!
Mining laser comparisions 
The Ultimate Mining Guide by Benjamin Danneberg

aUEC rates per Unit | 1%SCU @ Port Olisar :

  • Bexalite = 40.48
  • Borase = 32.45
  • Taranite = 32.44
  • Laranite = 30.26
  • Agricium = 26.93
  • Hephaestanite = 14.68
  • Titanium = 8.68
  • Diamond = 7.17
  • Gold = 6.29
  • Copper = 5.69
  • Beryl = 4.32
  • Tungsten = 3.99
  • Corundum = 2.65
  • Quartz = 1.51
  • Aluminum = 1.27
  • Inert Material = 0.02

Our goal for crew operations is the following:
Self-Organizing, those doing the work choose how best to accomplish the work
Cross-functional, teams have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of the team.
Teams consist of 3 to 7 people. (+/-2).


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