Olisar Saturated with Diamond, Amid Loses We Press Forward

The Diamond market is almost completely saturated at the Port Olisar, we'll need to pivot in order to stay profitable. I'm running into sell limits when trying to sell off Diamond at Port Olisar.  Titanium on the other hand remains to sell instantly but the low supply at Tram & Myers combined with the price increase make it unsustainable.

The best case for our route from Tram & Myers to Olisar is to mix commodities, between Laranite, Titanium, Diamond, and even corundum. Players will have to jump to each of the 4 Struts at Port Olisar in order to sell of a cat load of Diamond. Add Grim Hex into the loop too. Delemar and Huston are the alternatives. Delamar and the CBD are almost better sell points now. Just to test the profit per time, I did a load of Diamond from tram & Myers to Lorville's CBD on Hurston. This was with the stock quantum drive in the caterpillar, I timed it and it took 20 minutes to go from Tram to the CBD sell kiosk. It's twice the time that we are used to, but it sold instantly, and for even more profit, 81,000 credits worth of profit. That's about 4050 credits per minute which is a little bit higher than anything trading to Port Olisar. 

The good news is this brings new routes to the table, with the faster quantum travel it's now more profitable to deal directly with the major trading centers like the Lorville's CBD and ArcCorp's Area 18. Add in the ability to quantum jump from the planet at 10 km and we can keep times to these commerce centers to around 20 minutes. I'm thinking the most profitable routes around going to be Area to Lorville or even Ita to Lorville. We could even extend out to ArcCorp's region and look for profitable routes to Area 18.

I'm continuing to focus on routes that have a high profit per run but also support multiple caterpillars. If we want to scale our operation's we'll have to focus on runs that are profitable and scalable. I'm a firm believer that traders will make more if we all work together, and that's proven to be the case.

Incident Report! We lost over one million credits yesterday trading with Lorville. Two caterpillars crashed right into the planet with over 500,000 credits worth Laranite, and Titanium. The total loss is over 1,043,000. One was quantuming to Lorville from Hurston orbit after arriving from Arial, the second was jumping from Port Tressler. The cause is the result of a known bug where ships quantum splining around planets will occasionally crash right into the ground. Though infrequent and difficult to repeat I'd like to find a more effective work around for this bug as Lorville can be quite profitable. The work around is to use OM-Points to get closer to the location first. For Lorville that looks like Hurston OM-4. 

I was able to make back some profit afterword buy doing trading at Port Olisar, but i'm still 130,000 credits below breaking even. For 12/26 we're reporting a loss of -139,622.


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