Frozen on Yela

Captain's Log 8 October 2950 Looking for a change of pace we decided to pursue the mining, a safe and serene career in the verse. Liandrix had recently rented a Prospector and was trying to earn enough credits to pay off the rental costs. We headed to the frozen moon of Crusader, Yela.

I've spent a lot of time mining on Yela in the past so I thought that it would be a fairly straight forward approach. I loaded up the Argo Mole and headed out to the location. Just before arriving Liandrix had found a large deposit of Quantanium. We quickly estimated it's value and based on it's composition and mass this one rock was valued at over 176,000 credits. The only downside is the prospector couldn't mine it. The Mole on the other had would come in hand, so we transferred Liandrix to the Mole and started mining. We broke down the rocks and found several other Quantamiun rocks in the area. Before we could even pick up the rocks there was a 30k crash.

From there we headed out from Port Olisar and began scanning again for other mining deposits. We found multiple hadanite deposits so decided that it would be worth our time to head back to the space station and grab ship to mine with the ROC. Not wanting to lose our location we decided the best option would be to leave a crewmember on the surface of the moon as a waypoint.

Liandrix left the ship as I speed away on the mole to return to Port Olisar, returning with another ship. Upon arriving Liandrix discovered that he only had a few minute left of survival. The cold atmosphere of the moon caused his helmet to freeze up, he could hardly see anything, and his body began to shake incontrollable in the hostile environment.

Using the ships scanner I began to scan for liandrix but the party system markers were bugged. The beacon was missing and without it it would be impossible to find any person on the ground. Despite the search parties efforts there was no sign of the lost crewmate. His body remains there, on the frozen surface of Yela.

"And they said mining was safe."

Profits from Mole mining: 55,000 aUEC
Profits from ROC mining: 65,000 aUEC


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