T&M to PO is Open for Business

Timbur's log star date 3.23.2950

Looks like Tram & Myers is open for business so hit it while it's hot. We just did six caterpillar loads from Tram to Port Olisar for 60,000 a cat. With a 10 minute lap time that put us at 360,000 credits in about 30 minutes of work.

Reporting our progress toward the next caterpillar, I'm seeing that we are just at about 5 million in total credits and our goal is 6.2 million. Nice work everyone, another day or so and we'll be buying a caterpillar! Though we technically have enough to buy another caterpillar now, we'll go for a little more credits to have enough to fulfill are base line cargo amount of 400,000 credits per caterpillar.

Also, a few of us have picked up Star Trek Bridge Crew to see if we can work together as the bridge crew of the enterprise. If you'd like to play your welcome to join.

I'll see you in the verse


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