Tram & Myers is the New Jumptown

Timbur's Log Fri 20, March 2950

It's taken some time for it to catch on but our extremely profitable route as now turned into a hot spot of activity in the verse, very similar to the early days of JumpTown. The best part is Tram & Myers is more profitable than JumpTown ever was, and we don't have to spend hours selling at a trading console. It's one jump to Port Olisar, a ten minute quick trip. Diamond, Titanium and Laranite are the big ticket commodities, and it seems like Tram has just been waiting for this to happen for a long time.

I have noticed that recently Port Olisar, Grim Hex and even Levski aren't demanding these commodities any more, or only in small batches because this route is so popular. This is where the Freelancer can really shine, even though it may take a few trips, the ship can be in and out quickly, and it likely won't run into sell limits as quickly as a caterpillar. With the caterpillar I'm noticing maybe one or two trips to PO will hit the limit, and then it's jumping to each strut to sell whatever's left on your ship. Grim Hex might be good for one Cat too, Levski too. The problem with both Hex and Levski is that they only have one sell terminal, where Port Olisar has four, and it's closer, so it's a clear choice which is the best. The last option is to fly out to Lorville or Area 18 but at the time involved there it's not really worth it because shorter routes can be secured by the other two major landing zones.

Monitoring the situation at T&M today it was a hub of activity, a battle zone, followed by long periods of down time. I think it's a great place to be if you are a pvper or a security force looking to make a name. A small group could for example hold the location as a lawful security force, protecting friendly traders, and bringing traders themselves.
The other option is that Pirates could camp out, either on foot, in ships and target ships that are hauling goods or try to steal them and sell it.

Or some combination of both.

Tram & Myers is the place to be right now if you're into that high risk cargo hauling combined with piracy and intense pvp battles.

I'll see you in the verse.


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