Timbur's Log,

I was able to verify Laranite at Arccorp Mining area 045! This is a big deal because it appears that it will respawn a full load of laranite by the time one caterpillar gets back to the location. This means that this cargo run is repeatable at least until the price drops. Tram & Myers continues to be a great route to run but in this session (not counting the loss 200,000 on Rich's Caterpillar), the Laranite run earned twice as much is the tram run in the same amount of time. And that was despite all the glitches and setbacks that we experienced.
Next, if we can streamline the run then it could be even more profitable. To streamline the run from Area 18 to Wala we'll need to be fast enough to run to the terminal, sell the laranite and take the ship off the hanger before the station stores the ship. I'll then run out of the station spawn a faster small ship and beat the caterpillar to the outpost. I'll buy the commodities, then head back and land at Area 18, ideally getting to the console before the caterpillar lands. Theoretically, this should work, next is just to test it.

Today I met Selwyn's good friend SQ! He's brand new to star citizen and I hope that he has a great time teaming up with us in the verse. I'm sad to say that we ran into a few alpha glitches that caused us to delay the meet up time but eventually we meet up in the verse and got him some new shiny orange armor. Welcome aboard SQ!

I also teamed up with my usual band of brothers, Rich Banks and El Dio. I think they've streamlined that Tram and Myers run, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are the fastest in the verse on that run. No one does it better. We did run into a mishap today as some random guy thought it was a good idea to ram ships on the pad. Apparently, the caterpillar pilot just went full speed into the cat on the pad and destroyed Rich's Cat while El_Dio was sitting on the pad with 200,000 credits worth of Laranite on board. Besides the small disaster, (It didn't make a dent!) we made a breakthrough that destroying ships with cargo does in fact drop some cargo boxes, not nearly the same amount that was lost but some small sum. (I don't recall the exact amount recovered.) This is a big deal for piracy. Rich and El_dio were able to recover their losses and with run cat running Olisar to Tram we didn't exhaust demand.
I also talked to Dewderonomy today who had some bad luck running bounty missions, but had some good tips on shield regeneration and the age old discussion on the Cutlass vs Freelancer.

Things to test: Is supply and demand shared between all server instances?


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