Timbur's Log, Today I started of with Tram & Myers and found that the demand was already satisfied at Port Olisar for Diamond, so I went on down to Wala to pick up some laranite and haul it to Area 18. I managed to do just a few trips and made of 528,000 in just a few trips.
The downside is that Area 18 is so far away from Port Olisar, and where most players hang out, so I had to make the trek back. I've got to remember to haul scrap back to Port Olisar when I go, as I keep forgetting. currently with interdiction, it seems pretty common to get interdicted at least 3 times when traveling between ArcCorp and Crusader, where your much less likely to get interdicted when you are just in a single planetary system. It would be interesting to figure out if certain routes are more likely to have interdiction as compared to other or is it just all completely random.
Today I team up BlueRath, Selwyn, Dewderonomy and El_Dio. The first task, apart from me taking forever to get back to civilization, was to clear BlueRath's crime state This was great as it gave us a new feel for how the new law systems work. Currently, you have to get hacking chip from one of the less lawful locations. Levski, Grim Hex and Area 18 are the only ones I know of so far. It looks like you can also pass chips to friends too, and El_dio happen to have an extra one. Then, 30 minutes later I arrived at Port Olisar, we loaded up the caterpillar and headed to SPK.
It was all clear when we landed, thankfully the turrets don't shoot us if the pilot doesn't have a crime stat. Blue and Dew headed in while Selwyn and I stayed on the ship to scan for incoming. Then, not two minutes later a Hornet jumped in, and crashed into the station and the size four cannons on the Caterpillar were quick to finish it off. Blue and Dew then cleared the crime stat and the rest was uneventful.
Back at Tram & Myers it appears pretty popular as I spotted two freelancers there today. Later I had to clear a crime stat myself, and found the new process of getting a chip and maintaining the terminal much more engaging than it was previously.
Today raps up the first week of trading and we are at 40% of our goal to adding another caterpillar to the fleet at 2.9 million credits. I admit, we didn't make it to our goal of earning the second cat within the first week, but that's okay, we've found some great routes, and we've made some real progress as we grow as a crew. We also have to admit we've run into a few glitches and lost around 1.5 million credits too due to unavoidable server crashes. We'll see what next week brings, and we'll start of the first convoy tomorrow morning bright and early. I'll see you in the verse!
Full Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bV4SFzG6LE
The downside is that Area 18 is so far away from Port Olisar, and where most players hang out, so I had to make the trek back. I've got to remember to haul scrap back to Port Olisar when I go, as I keep forgetting. currently with interdiction, it seems pretty common to get interdicted at least 3 times when traveling between ArcCorp and Crusader, where your much less likely to get interdicted when you are just in a single planetary system. It would be interesting to figure out if certain routes are more likely to have interdiction as compared to other or is it just all completely random.
Today I team up BlueRath, Selwyn, Dewderonomy and El_Dio. The first task, apart from me taking forever to get back to civilization, was to clear BlueRath's crime state This was great as it gave us a new feel for how the new law systems work. Currently, you have to get hacking chip from one of the less lawful locations. Levski, Grim Hex and Area 18 are the only ones I know of so far. It looks like you can also pass chips to friends too, and El_dio happen to have an extra one. Then, 30 minutes later I arrived at Port Olisar, we loaded up the caterpillar and headed to SPK.
It was all clear when we landed, thankfully the turrets don't shoot us if the pilot doesn't have a crime stat. Blue and Dew headed in while Selwyn and I stayed on the ship to scan for incoming. Then, not two minutes later a Hornet jumped in, and crashed into the station and the size four cannons on the Caterpillar were quick to finish it off. Blue and Dew then cleared the crime stat and the rest was uneventful.
Back at Tram & Myers it appears pretty popular as I spotted two freelancers there today. Later I had to clear a crime stat myself, and found the new process of getting a chip and maintaining the terminal much more engaging than it was previously.
Today raps up the first week of trading and we are at 40% of our goal to adding another caterpillar to the fleet at 2.9 million credits. I admit, we didn't make it to our goal of earning the second cat within the first week, but that's okay, we've found some great routes, and we've made some real progress as we grow as a crew. We also have to admit we've run into a few glitches and lost around 1.5 million credits too due to unavoidable server crashes. We'll see what next week brings, and we'll start of the first convoy tomorrow morning bright and early. I'll see you in the verse!
Full Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bV4SFzG6LE
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