Timbur's Log,

We're back to  hauling cargo today. There is a super secure route from the TDD at Area at to the building next to it, IO Tower or the North Tower also on area 18 selling agricultural supplies. It's not much but it's something if you really need to earn credits securely. At 1 credit a unit, about 60,000 credits is all you'll need. Keep in mind the demand is limited so you can only sell a few caterpillar loads before they won't buy any more.

Today we went back to Tram and Myers, we found that in about 5 trips in the caterpillar will deplete the demand at Port Olisar. It's worth 250,000 credits to do it but you can't get much more than 5 trips in. Laranite there, is likely limited to one trip, and the price of titanium continues to be too high to buy. I teamed up with El_Dio, Rich Banks and Astral Wizard.

After fulfilling the demand for diamond at Port Olisar, we headed to the other outpost to see if we could find a comparable route, the best seemed to be 157 to Olisar but the price of Astatine seems to fluctuate to quickly to turn to much of a profit. I'll try to find some more routes around crusader to turn a quick profit.

In the above image you'll see that we're doing okay on the profit side of things. It looks like we're a little under our planned goal of earning a caterpillar by the end of this week. I'm figuring we'll need 7.5 million to buy a second caterpillar while also having enough to stock both caterpillars with a full load of Laranite. We'll still have to check a few routes to make sure that will pan out, or we'll adjust our tactics.

As of today we're sitting at 1.2 million, that a nice 16% progress to our goal of getting a caterpillar.

I'll see you in the verse!



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