3.7.1 Incoming Freefly Event

With the Free Fly event on the horizon we’re planning on switching gears to give some new players a tour of the verse in style on board the 890 Jump!

Today we had fun racing each other to on the cargo routes, Arial to Lorville. Selwyn_Lindquist pulled off a new time of 22:40 for the run time. I admit we started the timer after leaving the hangar, so we can't count this as an official time but we're approaching the 20 minute run times between Arial and Hurston, which is impressive. Imagine earning 300,000 credits every 20 minutes per cat?! This beat out SQ's time of 35:00 minutes, but we'll have to standardize our timing process, likely starting and stopping the watch at the trade console after selling. 

Our Profits for the day:

With the Free-fly event incoming, I’m asking everyone to get ready for a mass entry of new players to the verse! That might mean helping out players, giving them tours or making sure they understand this is a cut-throat galaxy. Personally, I’ll be holding a party on-board the  890 Jump to celebrate Halloween so bring your favorite outfit and a friend.

We’ll put cargo on hold this week and set our spawn near port Olisar.

We haven’t decided if we’re going to just give tours or go all out pirate trolls, however it always seems like the parties on-board the 890 Jump end up with some kind of gun fight.

Game-play wise this involves the challenge of trying to keep the 890 Jump near Port Olisar without having to re-spawn it back at Area 18 or Lorville. After some brief testing today I was able to log out of the medical bay bed and then log back in again even though the ship was landed at Port Olisar. I tried logging out again and I’ll have to test it again later to see if it works.

Here is a link to a helpful beginners guide to the verse: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/do8e1a/free_fly_371_october_28_to_november_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


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