Timbur’s Log 18 October 2949

Timbur’s Log 18 October 2949

The morning cargo haul continues! Today I'll review our progress on how we were are able to secure the Laranite supply in Stanton, and discuss our plan for the future to expand our operations.

 We had a great turnout for crew today, proving that many hands make light work. We were able to secure the three major Laranite outposts in the verse with three ships, one on Cellin, Area 18 and Hurston. I can't wait to see what we can do with a bigger group, but it takes the right person to want to haul cargo as a team. 

Hauling cargo is the best in a multi crew experience, so I wanted to mention newcomers Heraldus and Dizrac who teamed up with us today. Heraldus helped ferry some folks across the verse and Dizrac teamed up with Selwyn to haul some cargo out of Cellin. Selwyn was able to nearly deplete the supply there at Tram & Myers in an Andromeda, which goes to show how the commodities change as the patch goes on. Rich and SQ hit the Laranite hard today earning over a million credits near Area 18, despite a few crashes. As for myself, I was stationed at Hurston and did Two runs off to Arial, visiting Bezdek and Lathan making a little over 200k.

El Dio was holding up the mining front, which point out the great opportunity for new players to hop into Star Citizen and try FPS mining. Now is a great time to get in and do some mining. The few caves I've seen so far have been stunning, and there is some great game play involved in exploring, mining and collecting new items and using the new personal inventory system. It's also a fun way to earn a little starting credits though it can't compare to our main cargo operation. As our commerce division covers all sources of revenue, part of that is mining, so if you like to mine hop online in the mornings with us!

Top Seven Routes for Caterpillars

I thought I'd take a moment to look at what could happen in the future for our cargo hauling operation. We've really been building our cargo crew up, I'd I've gotten a few questions on what would our operation look like with multiple caterpillars running at the same time?

We've nailed down the Laranite routes, and we feel pretty comfortable with one caterpillar at Area 18, another at Lorville and a third holding down Tram & Myers. From our experience three Caterpillars can hold down all the supply of Laranite in the Stanton system. The next question is what are the next most profitable routes to run when we have more Caterpillars? For now I'll plan for seven caterpillars. Looking at the routes and commodities, my thoughts were to find routes that have a large supply and demand and a high profit per unit. The commodities that came up were Laranite, Medical Supplies, Astatine, and Titanium. I removed medical supplies from the list after observing that the demand for them at Area 18, and Levski is 500 and Lorville 440 SCU. If another trader arrives at Area 18 before us they can likely satisfy some if not all the demand in one go. That would mean we'd mean parking out Caterpillar in a hanger and sitting at a sell terminal slowing selling off medical supplies a little at a time. I want to avoid getting stuck at one location like this as much as possible, it's likely to happen as we've seen this in the past.

Our third caterpillar would be are speed runners going from Tram & Myers to Olisar. Port Olisar is the riskiest trade location in the verse (because of the population of players in the area) So we'll need to take that into account.

The next commodity is Astatine, which can be bought at HDMS-Nathan and HDMS-Woodruff and sold at Lorville, Area 18, Levski, or Olisar. I'll go with Lorville as it's the closest route, though we'll have to monitor the traffic into Lorville. Depending on the traders  and price we might put one or two caterpillars here.

The fifth route would be also be near Hurston running Bezdek, Lathan to Lorville, but running Titanium. We already have one caterpillar dedicated to Laranite, but two more caterpillars could purely haul Titanium. Alternatively we could have one caterpillar per outpost buying a mixture of Laranite and Titanium.

Since there is such a large supply and demand in the Stanton system for Titanium, we could send a another caterpillar to Area 18 running Titanium from SAL-5 or SAL-2. Loveridge and Humbolt mine would also supply Titanium, they have a slower refresh rate, but they could be added to the loop.   

Lastly, I wanted to expand it out to as many as commodities as possible so the last one would be Agricium from ArcCorp Mining Area 141 to Port Olisar or Levski. Even though it is risky trading at Port Olisar there's always the alternative to trade at Levski.

There you have it, those are going to be the top seven routes, and we'll have to mix and match those in order maximize profits. The estimated profit with seven caterpillars is around 594,020 to 1,188,040 million aUEC every run which is about thirty minutes. It would require about 5,057,580 aUEC starting capital between all the caterpillars. 

In a future post we'll look at how fleet owners may be able to use multiple ships to make sure not a single UEC is going to waste by sitting idle.

Let's earn a Freelancer Max in Game!

Tomorrow morning we'll be running an operation to earn a Freelancer Max in Game to add to the fleet!

Saturday, 19 October 2949!  4:30 AM PDT

The cargo convoy will be leaving port at 4:30 AM Pacific Time. We'll be stationed at multiple locations, the two main locations will be, Lorville on Hurston, and Area 18 on ArcCorp, Port Olisar being the third alternative.

The goal is to see how fast we can earn 2.2 million credits to buy a Freelancer Max in game! We're gifting it to our most dedicated cargo hauler, Selwyn_Lindquist.

See you in the verse! Click here to join the operation: https://gallog.co/org/TNAC/operations/61/


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