Pirate Reports!
Timbur's Log November 11, 2949
This just in, it looks like there was a successful pirate attack that likely occurred at Tram & Myers. The suspects waited at the outpost thirty to forty minutes for a Drake Caterpillar Pirate to show up. They shot and killed the owner, when attempts to ransom the ship provided futile. Then after breaking into the Caterpillar they flew to Daymar to blew it up and loaded the 251 boxes into a freelancer Max to sold at Private Property on Cellin. Other reports are saying that this pirate group was actually hired by local cargo haulers looking to eliminate competition. A link to Leevah90's article can be found here.
On the subject of Pirates and Griefers I have a story of my own. Upon returning to Port Olisar with a load of Diamond I spotted a suspicious 890 Jump just parked outside the pads. It was no surprise then, that just a few seconds later that my freighter full of precious cargo exploded into a million pieces. The total loss was 376,680 aUEC, or about an hour and thirty minutes worth of work. Fear not my friends, I've already earned it back, so it didn't make a dent.
Both of these reports are good reminders that players are actively working against cargo haulers. It's always a good idea to plan for a loss here and again, and don't let a loss get to you. In most cases, it's actually better profit wise to just accept any losses and keep on hauling instead of wasting time fighting with pirates or griefers.
A great reminder to fly safe my friends, and remember, it didn't make a dent!
This just in, it looks like there was a successful pirate attack that likely occurred at Tram & Myers. The suspects waited at the outpost thirty to forty minutes for a Drake Caterpillar Pirate to show up. They shot and killed the owner, when attempts to ransom the ship provided futile. Then after breaking into the Caterpillar they flew to Daymar to blew it up and loaded the 251 boxes into a freelancer Max to sold at Private Property on Cellin. Other reports are saying that this pirate group was actually hired by local cargo haulers looking to eliminate competition. A link to Leevah90's article can be found here.
Remains of the Caterpillar shot by Leevah90 |
Both of these reports are good reminders that players are actively working against cargo haulers. It's always a good idea to plan for a loss here and again, and don't let a loss get to you. In most cases, it's actually better profit wise to just accept any losses and keep on hauling instead of wasting time fighting with pirates or griefers.
A great reminder to fly safe my friends, and remember, it didn't make a dent!
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