Player Event Kickoff: Cargo Interdiction!

Timbur's Log November 2 2949

Link to Twitch Stream:
YouTube Video Coming soon!

We had a great turnout for our Saturday Morning Cargo Operation. The plan was to have a simple 5vs5 Cargo Hauler vs Pirate battle, and I think it went off quite well despite several technical issues due to crashes and bugs.

A special thanks goes out to all the players who attended our player event Convoy Interdiction. This first time was a test for the November 9th. We wanted to test how well the mission played out on a short time frame and if there was enough game-play involved for everyone. Overall, it seems like it is very difficult for those pirates to be able to capture the caterpillar so we might need to rethink the operation or find better ways in game for players to disable ships, whether this is damaging the ship thrusters, using and EMP, using a mantis to prevent Quantum Travel, or some combination of the above. Regardless of the method it looks like it will be extremely difficult to stop the cargo ship. This makes boarding, capturing, or stealing cargo even more difficult.

If you're interested in joining this event there are still slots open, you can sign up here for the November 9th Convoy Interdiction.


Question: How can the pirate team disable a cargo ship so that it can be boarded, stolen or captured?

-Cargo ship doors can be shot or damaged causing the doors to open slightly so players can sneek aboard.
-Thrusters can be damaged causing ships to have reduced speed.


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