Timbur's Log, 18 November 2949,

Pure profit today!

I teamed up with SQ today and we crunched those numbers. Initially trying laranite at Arial showed low profits, so switiching to Port Olisar proved that the run from Tram & Myers is the best route in the verse. Don't believe me? Just look at the numbers, we were cranking out 8,000 credits a minute.

Nova_Skye also popped in to run some escort. We talked about getting together a few more escorts to see if we could get an active group together. I believe there is some pretty good game play in tracking down bounties, both ai and players, as well as running combat assistance missions. The theory is if we could get enough escort fighters in game we could potentially have some guys on call if any traders run into problems.

Selwyn_Lindquist has also been having some great success in his Freelancer Max. Nice work!

After discovering an abandoned Retaliator Bomber near Tram & Myers we found that the attritions on the caterpillar will make short work of it. Quantum Jumping through the planet is still a fatal choice though. Wrecking the ship caused SQ's crime stat to raise to a level two, so naturally we had to make a trip to SPK after picking up some chips at Grim Hex. I opted to try out the new Salvo pistol, wanting to test my new superfast light armor set in a combat situation. (It has a heavy helmet, light chest piece and light legs, a pistol with 2 to 4 mags, depending on the pistol, topped off with two medipins, and 1 oxypin. We also picked up Nova on the way who was stranded at CRU-L1's R&R, on the way to Cellin.

We stormed the station quickly clearing out the pirates, I picked up a rifle from on of the down pirates. Then all went well as we cleared both Nova's and SQ's records. With the last bar on my chip I noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye. A random player had showed up looking overlooking the balcony. He demanded that we clear station. SQ and I moved to rush the player saying that we were friendly, but he didn't take the hint to leave. I blitzed up to the player and heard my rifle go "click, click, click" Out of ammo. Attempting to flee, I was shot, dead.

Watch the highlights here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6lLE8ulU6g&feature=youtu.be

What's Next?

I'm thinking about a few ideas to switch up things for the commerce department.

1. Escorts. With Pirates on the rise we're going to run into problems in the future if we can't get our escort numbers up. We've got to get at least one or two escorts online when we're hauling. To incentives this I think we'll just run bounty missions and combat missions at least once a week. This will be a perfect time to recruit some new players, getting them into escorting. The mission sharing works great when collecting bounties. There's no profit in this but the goal is to get our numbers up.

2. Mining. I'm also thinking of adding some mining to the mix. Again, there's no profit it this, but the game-play might be worth it if we can figure out how to get some cooperation into in. Maybe we have to rent ships? Maybe we wait until 3.8 for the new mining head tools? Either way, it's a blast. FPS mining and prospector mining.

3. Scale Up Operations. The big question with cargo is how can we make this even more profitable? The solution more, more ships. Instead of one caterpillar, why not two? The idea is having multiple ships on one account, combine this with a large credit balance and a few more players and now we have a cargo operation. We're going to run into supply and demand issues here so we'll have to find the fastest routes that can support the increase in supply. The alternative is giving the ship to another player as that might also prove to be more profitable. 


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