Record Breaking Numbers!

Timbur's Log 20 Nov 2949: Record Breaking Numbers

Today we pulled out the A team to test put this new cargo hauling tactic to the test. It turns we might just be able to beat the age old limit of 10,000 credits a minute.

Recall back to the days of JumpTown the theoretical maximum you could make with Widow was selling 2000 units every two minutes earning 10,000 credits a minute. Now, that never really worked about between travel times, server lag, crashes ect, so when it came down to the actual numbers it came out to around 4,000 credits a minute earning 10 credits of profit per unit.

Fast forward to today, commodities have drastically changed, WiDow and other drugs are next to worthless because there just isn't the demand for them. Sure you can make a few credits in small amounts, but the real profit is in large, consistent cargo runs. Laranite is now the most profitable commodity in the verse, with the potential to earn 300,000 credits with a Caterpillar. Factor in travel time in the best time of 35 minutes, and that give us, 8500 credits per minute. This is the theoretical maximum of Laranite, given that you could consistently make this run every 35 minutes not running into any supply shortages, price changes, interdictions, travel times,crashes ect. In reality, it's much less, recently because of the lack of supply, a caterpillar could only make 60,000 to 240,000 credits every hour. That's only 1,500 to 4,000 credits per minute. Profits have been closer to the lower end due to supply shortages. The last time I ran it I made 63,000 credits in 36 minutes. That's about 1700 credits per minute.

 How does our new cargo strategy hold up to this? We've smashed all the records!  Let's look at the data:

The Balance Log and Profit per Run

Today we ran 12 cargo runs, the first two, I flew solo in the cat while the crew was getting online, and to give us a baseline, I was able to consistently make the run in 10 minutes and 54 seconds. The profits varied from 82,987 to 84,900 as the price for diamond slowly changed.

Run 3, We pulled out the caterpillar, starfarer, and M50 to try the new tactic, and in the same time we managed to earn 121,601 credits. That's 11,055 credits a minute. But can it be repeated? We repeated the route multiple times over the course of two hours and recorded our results. Our best time was around 8 minutes and the highest profit per minute was 13,896.

Keep in my the Starfarer Gemini is the slowest ship in the game, so I'd expect that these time can only be reduced by replacing it with a caterpillar, not to mention added more cargo space.

Profit Per Minute Per Run

You'll notice a drop in credits on run 8, that's when a random player in a harbinger decided to blow up the caterpillar on they way to Tram. The Caterpillar was empty, so the only loss was the reclaim time plus about 20 minutes of downtime. (Opportunity cost wise, that actually cost us 169,000 credits we could have earned in the same amount of time). We also ran into the normal issues, interdiction, other players, so it was a fairly normal two hours, I might even say we had bad luck trading today because of all the problems.

Rich, for example, had to clear his crime stat, so you see on run 4 we had a cut in profits because we didn't have the Starfarer. Note how the time was faster because SQ could get a headstart with the caterpillar, and I caught up in the M50.

Also, the party system was bugged so we weren't in the same party, as to avoid any quantum linking into the moon of Celin. I got a crime stat for hauling illegal goods, even though I was in the M50, and SQ was flying my ship with goods I had purchased. Not sure how that worked out.

In the end we averaged out at 9,415 credits per minute over the two hours we ran this, and we earned 1,128,360.

A truly ground breaking result showing again that the best experience is in working as a crew, and this is just the tip of the ice-burg.

Cargo Ships Ready to Launch after Loading up

Raw data recorded



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