
Showing posts from 2020

Theory crafting on multicrew mining and cargo hauling 3.12

 Theory crafting on multicrew mining and cargo hauling: 3.12 Fact: The new refinery is limited to a single player. Players will be able to mine, bring it to a refinery and then after it is complete put it on a cargo ship to sell.  Q. How can you optimize this with multiple players or through a multicrew effort?  AKA, Timbur makes it as complicated as possible to scale it for multicrew gameplay. 1 Player owns multiple prospectors and caterpillars. Ex Timbur. I'll call him the ship owner for now.  The ship owner spawns multiple mining vessels, prospectors, moles ect. and other party members take those ships out and mine with them. Additional ships can be bought in game and added as more crew members are added and income is added.  The party members mine the goods, and store them at the designated Station. It's stored there safely. The owner can now go to that station and refine the materials. The owner would spawn the empty ship again for the party member to conti...

Weekly Profit Report!

 Our latest attempt a Player Made Cargo missions continues to succeed as we publish our third week of profits.  This week we're showing a profit of 531,313 credits. The company also issued out one to loan for a new cargo hauler, represented by the 30k in cargo. This has been a quick update from Cathcart Intergalactic Services' Intergalactic Transport Guild. 

My First Mission with the UEE Pathfinders

 Good morning, I'm Timbur and today I teamed up with the UEE Pathfinders to do an operation, this is what happened.  We started out at Port Tresller to compete in battle 25 vs 25, player vs player. Since this was my first time with the Pathfinders, all I needed to do was get myself to the correct spaceport ahead of time and have the designated armor loadout. The start up time was fairly well organized but it still took about an hour to get started. This is par for the course for player made content.  The operation was simple, capture three caterpillars and bring them back to our forward operating base, which was just two cutlass reds a few kilometers from Point Wain Aid Shelter. The Cutlass and Caterpillars were marked is 'indestructible' as per the operation rules, personally, in the future I'd like to see these handicaps removed.  My role in this was to serve aboard the Aegis Hammerhead as a crew member of the largest ship in the fleet to be deployed today. With si...

Pirate Hunting

I've been currently dealing with the latest hot bug, the missing mobiGlass, I should be able to do the work around by escaping prison, I just haven't had the time to do it as the servers have been crashing frequently. In the mean time, I'd like to do some theory crafting on stealth mechanics, cargo hauling and pirate hunting.  Live bug hunt missing mobiglas after changing armor Up to these point we've done it all in cargo hauling, we know how to successfully haul cargo, we can change and avoid routes that are too 'hot'. We can also break through pirate blockades should we fall into a trap. I also feel competent that our team could defeat boarding parties (though a little more practice wouldn't hurt). We've also tried it from the pirate side and we can capture or kill, and board cargo ships as we wish. The next level, is pirate hunting, we want to capture or kill the pirates, and we're going to use our cargo operation as the bait. In this comment by M...

Haulers Take Up Arms

 As the war for the Vanduul mask continues we've repurposed our cargo haulers into an active militia. It's interesting how you can take a group of players focused on specific job in the verse, but they are veterans at working around bugs for so long that they know how to always get the job done, and you can put them in a completely different career and you'll see them succeed, not because they're good in any new area but simply because they know the basics of the game so well.    Recently we've been taking a closer look at how distortion weapons come into play. We've actually been experimenting with these weapons noticing a vulnerability in our caterpillars. Today we were able to confirm that two size five distortion scatterguns can shutdown a gladias. We'll run further tests and see what can be found.  

War! Over a Helmet?

War! Citizens of the verse have taken up arms against each other over a helmet.  As it turns out the only thing standing between peace and total chaos is a helmet, the Snarling Vanduul helmet, in Cloud Imperium Games new Halloween event were players must get fifty unique player kills in a Gladius or Glaive. Needless to say there have been small skirmish and battles all across Stanton System in response to the event. The most hot zones appear to be located at Grim Hex and Port Olisar, the two main spaceports near the planet Crusader. It looks like players are able to kill each other without worry of a crimestat while they are within Grim Hex's jurisdiction.  Another helmet can be earned for finding Benny Henge, in the asteroid field of Yela. This is Timbur reporting live from Grim Hex station. 

Frozen on Yela

Captain's Log 8 October 2950 Looking for a change of pace we decided to pursue the mining, a safe and serene career in the verse. Liandrix had recently rented a Prospector and was trying to earn enough credits to pay off the rental costs. We headed to the frozen moon of Crusader, Yela. I've spent a lot of time mining on Yela in the past so I thought that it would be a fairly straight forward approach. I loaded up the Argo Mole and headed out to the location. Just before arriving Liandrix had found a large deposit of Quantanium. We quickly estimated it's value and based on it's composition and mass this one rock was valued at over 176,000 credits. The only downside is the prospector couldn't mine it. The Mole on the other had would come in hand, so we transferred Liandrix to the Mole and started mining. We broke down the rocks and found several other Quantamiun rocks in the area. Before we could even pick up the rocks there was a 30k crash. From there we headed out ...

Silence on Wala

Captain's Log, Another day another dollar, or so the saying goes. After over three years of hauling cargo you would think that I'd get bored of this by now yet here I am waking up at the crack of dawn hauling cargo. I guess the proof is in the pudding that taking a simple task, like traveling from A to B transporting cargo, and adding in some random players to the mix, you'll get a million different results. Our goal through all this is to turn a profit, but you'd be surprised how difficult that 'simple' task can be when you add in the human variable.  The day started out normal enough, I teamed up with Liandrix, Pyro, and Hollow and we wanted to haul some cargo. My goal was to check all four outposts on Arial and Wala. I checked both Lathan and Bezdek on my own but there was only around 100 SCU worth of Laranite. Then we staged two more cats to make the trip to Wala. Beating a few bugs via team work we arrived at Wala. Liandrix. and I were in the Best in Show C...
Captain's Log. Today I teamed up with the usual crew, SQ, Limpbisket, Pyro, Selwyn, and Rich Banks. We've had a second wind for cargo hauling. With the recent launch of the PTU to all backers there seems to be less cargo haulers as competition in the verse. Naturally the supply of Laranite as been a little better. Just the other day we tracked down over 300 SCU in one location, a breakthrough compared to the meager 50 or less SCU we've been able to find at other locations.  Today I teamed up with a new player, Liandrix, who was interested in any credits in game. We ran a few cargo haul runs from Wala and then did some in game combat missions as a group.   Welcome to the group Liandrix! I hope to see you in the verse. I'd thought I'd share Liandrix's first experience here: I made this in hope people would share their failures and success from when they first started Star Citizen, mine is the former but it would be great to know how others got on in the replies do...

Tram to Lorville, 400,000 aUEC profit

Today I teamed up with Hiraya to haul some cargo, we did several runs from Tram & Myers to Lorville, and earned over 400,000 credits. We did have one loss of cargo due to a Error 30,000, but at the end he was able to earn 122,000 credits for just a little bit of cargo hauling. He mentioned he might be interested in getting a caterpillar so if we could keep this rate up he is well on his way to that five million credit brand new / slightly used, Drake Caterpillar. 

3.9 Hauling, Diamond Best Route

I was just looking over the prices of Titanium on Galactic Logistics, The price of titanium is now above 7.4, meaning it is more profitable to haul Diamond over Titanium. Currently Gallog is showing the lowest price of titanium at 7.56 on Lyria, I've also visited several places that sell Titanium and found the price to be as high as 7.96. This means profits range between 1.34 to 0.94 profit per unit.  Diamond continues to maintain a steady profit per unit of 1.5, The major source of Diamond appears to be our own Tram & Myers on Cellin, it appears to be a hot spot for trader and pirate activity. There are a few other places that sell diamond for a low price, you can find them all on Gallog here: The best route currently is Tram & Myers > Lorville > Port Olisar, Diamond, Scrap.  I'm also receiving reports of pirate attacks on traders at Tram & Myers, I saw a cat get blo...

First 30k in 3.9

Timbur reporting a loss for today of 257,450 for the daily operation. Due to one lost caterpillar with over 20,000 units of Laranite with a total value of 733,811 credits. The caterpillar was lost to a  30k error.  It appears that the laranite rush is mostly over, where Heavy Machinery Rich Banks reported running into sell limits at Area 18. Though there were some larger reserves of Laranite on the moon of Wala. Haulers will have to act fast if they hope to make a profit of Arcorp's moon.  SQ and Rich Banks had a successful few runs making over half a million in profit. They also scouted out Microtech moon's commodities, where the commodity trading appears to be inactive at the moment at all the outpost on MicroTech and her moon. New Babbage will buy commodities similar to Area 18 and Lorville.  That's all for today, I'll see you in the verse.

3.9 Hauling Convoy 05022020

Timbur's Log Stardate 02.05.2950 Recap of Today's Cargo Run's: Made 298,623 profit in credits. We traded between Arial and Lorville. The wind was really bad at lorville blowing the ships around and off course. I teamed up with Mystr, SQ and Limp. SQ lost a load to a 30k. Mystr flew a cat for me and I paid him 121,824 or 40% of the profits of the day. I posted a link to my Wage calculator.

Monday Mayhem Mining

Timbur's Log Monday 3, March 2950 Went mining today with the boys aboard the Argo Mole Carbon. Selwyn and Rich Banks joined the crew. We mined just out of Daymar, near Aston Ridge. We were able to find two lucky runs at around 70,000 credits a piece and the third run was just over 40,000. Not bad, but I think we were lucky. We'll have to try it a little more in the future to see if we can make these top dollar runs more consistent.

Added a Second Cat in 3.8

Timbur's Log Tue 24 March 2950 Today we bought a Drake Caterpillar for Selwyn_Lindquist. Notable efforts go to Drunk_Mavrick, AstralWizard and Time_Lord_Victorious. Time_Lord lead a three hour long hauling effort yesterday to finish of the last million worth of credits for that 4.6 million Cargo hauler. Sq was the MVP, putting that new cat to work earning over 2.4 million credits over the past week. Not only did we earn enough to purchase the new ship, but we left at least 400,000 credits per hauler so that we could continue earn credits at the same rate. Right now we have seven Caterpillar pilots if each of us doing just a few runs every day, about one hour worth of trading, we'll earn about 200,000 credits per day per caterpillar. That put's us at a rate of 1.4 million every day for minimal effort. Our best understanding of Star Citizen commodities indicate that this operation is scalable so there doesn't appear to be a limit on how large we can grow this,...

T&M to PO is Open for Business

Timbur's log star date 3.23.2950 Looks like Tram & Myers is open for business so hit it while it's hot. We just did six caterpillar loads from Tram to Port Olisar for 60,000 a cat. With a 10 minute lap time that put us at 360,000 credits in about 30 minutes of work. Reporting our progress toward the next caterpillar, I'm seeing that we are just at about 5 million in total credits and our goal is 6.2 million. Nice work everyone, another day or so and we'll be buying a caterpillar! Though we technically have enough to buy another caterpillar now, we'll go for a little more credits to have enough to fulfill are base line cargo amount of 400,000 credits per caterpillar. Also, a few of us have picked up Star Trek Bridge Crew to see if we can work together as the bridge crew of the enterprise. If you'd like to play your welcome to join. I'll see you in the verse

Timbur's Log Sat 21 March 2950

Timbur's Log Sat 21 March 2950 Just a quick post today. We ran quite a few cargo runs to get ever closer to that next Drake Caterpillar. Today's best run was SAL-5 to Area 18 with 115,292 profit in just one run. I ran into two major glitches today that caused a minor set back. The first 200k blip was for the credits transferred to Time_Lord today, ignore that. That investment will help him run a full cat worth of cargo. The first major glitch I ran into was a cargo overwrite glitch, where the ship didn't recognize there was cargo on board and loaded extra,  feel free to contribute here , and the other glitch was a quantum spline glitch where the ship and it's cargo crashed into ArcCorp while quantum splining. I lost about roughly 800k worth of credits today, but at the end of these trade runs I made a profit of 232,000. Time_Lord also had a great day of trading, starting with a little over 200k, he's ended up with over 800k. He did run into some pirate a...

Tram & Myers is the New Jumptown

Timbur's Log Fri 20, March 2950 It's taken some time for it to catch on but our extremely profitable route as now turned into a hot spot of activity in the verse, very similar to the early days of JumpTown. The best part is Tram & Myers is more profitable than JumpTown ever was, and we don't have to spend hours selling at a trading console. It's one jump to Port Olisar, a ten minute quick trip. Diamond, Titanium and Laranite are the big ticket commodities, and it seems like Tram has just been waiting for this to happen for a long time. I have noticed that recently Port Olisar, Grim Hex and even Levski aren't demanding these commodities any more, or only in small batches because this route is so popular. This is where the Freelancer can really shine, even though it may take a few trips, the ship can be in and out quickly, and it likely won't run into sell limits as quickly as a caterpillar. With the caterpillar I'm noticing maybe one or two trips...

No Fly Zones Cause Major Losses

Ready for Action on board the Carrack Timbur's Log, Thursday 19 March 2050 Today we ran a few bounty missions, claim jumper missions, and tested out a scramble race, where Time_Lord_Victorious won the title as the fastest man in the verse. Bounty Hunting Near Yela We met a new player today, Jonathan_Smith, welcome to Cathcart and welcome to Star Citizen. He's looking to earn a few credits on the side, so he's found the right place. We also teamed up with SeraSerenity. Escape into Space - Time_Lord_Victorious But first let's report what you'll all looking for the numbers. You'll have to apologize for my lack of paperwork, my secretary Rich Banks, was recently shot while boarding the Carrack on the Tumbril Cyclone. What can I say, except crime doesn't pay. Link to video here: Rich_Banks was recently involved in a major Carrack crash just outside of Lorville. Apparently he had been involved in the usual i...

A New Day, A New Goal

Turns out Timbur's BHAG wasn't hairy enough so we'll set a new goal. Goal: Buy two more Drake Caterpillars by 3.9.  As it turns out my big hairy audacious goal wasn't hairy enough so we'll have to up it to a Cat a week until 3.9 hits and we'll see just how many cats we can get. Let's figure we have until the end of the month for the patch to hit so that's about a week and half worth of cargo. That sounds like just enough to get another two Drake Caterpillars by 3.9. Let's make it happen! Daily Review: We did about an hour and half worth of cargo runs and that enabled us to get around 200k per caterpillar in profit. If we can keep this pace up everyday, that would mean we could add another 5 million caterpillar to the fleet every 5 days. A Caterpillar a week sounds like a great plan. Starting bright and early we were able to field five caterpillars across the verse. It's great to see our coordination as we travel across the system an...

Added a Cat to the Fleet in 3.8.2

The increase in cargo haulers, pirate attacks, and the usual glitches has lead to a decline in profits, yet today proves that a crew working together can overcome any obstacle. Today we've finally pooled enough profits in 3.8.2 to purchase a brand new slightly used Drake Caterpillar! We'ed added this to one of our most dedicated cargo pilots fleet, SQ23p. He currectly doesn't own a caterpillar, so as part of this we all worked together to buy him one in game.  This continues our tradition since ships became available in game to buy a ship for members of our group by finding the most profitable methods in game and then working together to earn the credits. What started out as merely a Cutlass for Christmas has turned into a consistent daily cargo run. And this is just the beginning. Our hope with this patch and the upcoming 3.9 is that this might be the first caterpillar to persist across patches. But if not, we'll earn it again, just like we have since every pa...

Back in Business: Goals

With the introduction of lifetime persistence prices and profits have gone down the drain. I just spent an hour making 150,000 credits and this was my best run. Not to long ago making over half a million an hour was a breeze. With new challenges come new opportunities to overcome them. BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal. This week I'm going to set a new BHAG. There is a popular tag ling referred to as the BHAG (pronounced bee-hag, short for "Big Hairy Audacious Goals") As the cargo department, we're going to set a new goal before the next patch hits. Up to this date we've been able to buy at least one Drake Caterpillar every patch since the ships were available for purchase in game. Some times we got Freelancers, Cutlasses, Caterpillars, but we've done it every patch without a hitch. Our goal by the next patch is to purchase at least one Drake Caterpillar before the patch is over and give it to one of our top cargo members who doesn't have one on t...